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英国标准学会(BS) 今日: 0|主题: 8201|排名: 51 

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隐藏置顶帖 网站禁止发布任何侵权或有版权争议的内容 admin 2021-5-12 09960 admin 2021-5-12
隐藏置顶帖 网站管理规定 admin 2017-3-22 070417 admin 2018-11-4
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 错误标准文件反馈专贴 attach_img  ...23456..114 admin 2017-3-3 1139188064 刘波CTG 2025-2-14
隐藏置顶帖 标准网新手指引 digest admin 2016-12-26 0154392 admin 2016-12-26
BS EN 13480-3-2017+A1:2021 Metallic industrial piping Part 3: Design and calculation attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-24 01612 luxilin1215 2023-6-14
BS EN 13941-2-2019 District heating pipes - Design and installation of thermal insulated bonded single and twin pipe ... attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-24 01433 luxilin1215 2022-2-24
BS EN 13941-1-2019 District heating pipes - Design and installation of thermal insulated bonded single and twin pipe ... attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-24 01331 luxilin1215 2022-2-24
BS EN 14752-2019 Railway applications — Bodyside entrance systems for rolling stock attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-24 01689 luxilin1215 2022-2-24
BS EN 12301-2019 Plastics and rubber machines - Calenders - Safety attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-22 01375 luxilin1215 2022-2-22
BS EN IEC 61000-3-2-2019+A1:2021 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current... attachment luxilin1215 2022-2-16 01439 luxilin1215 2022-2-16
冷成型用的高屈服点钢热轧扁钢产品 第 2 部分:热机械轧制钢供货技术条件 德文本 EN 101... 新人帖 attachment HERO__DONGDONG 2022-1-26 01236 HERO__DONGDONG 2022-1-26
BS EN 10305-2 新人帖 attachment freemiaomiao 2022-1-19 01434 freemiaomiao 2022-1-19
BS EN ISO 3183-2019 石油和天然气工业 管道运输系统用钢管 attachment luxilin1215 2021-12-30 01327 luxilin1215 2021-12-30
BS EN 1022-2018 家具-座椅-稳定性的测定 attachment luxilin1215 2021-12-30 01342 luxilin1215 2024-9-20
BS 4142-2014+A1:2019 工业和商业音响的评级和评定方法 attachment luxilin1215 2021-12-30 01256 luxilin1215 2021-12-30
BS EN 13819-3-2019 Hearing protectors — Testing Part 3: Supplementary acoustic test methods attachment luxilin1215 2021-12-17 01206 luxilin1215 2021-12-17
BS EN 14214-2012+A2:2019 (2020) Liquid petroleum products — Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for use in diesel engin... attachment luxilin1215 2021-12-17 01266 luxilin1215 2021-12-17
EN1473液化天然气设备与安装翻译稿 attachment YTzjc 2021-10-26 01342 YTzjc 2021-10-26
BS EN IEC 62040-1-2019 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) 英文版 attach_img douer2017007 2021-9-9 01592 douer2017007 2021-9-9
BS EN 2516-2-2014Industrial valves — Shell design strength Part 2: Calculation method for steel valve shells attachment 女王工 2021-9-3 01468 女王工 2021-9-3
BS EN 10222-5:2017 Steel forgings for pressure purposes attachment agree 女王工 2021-8-31 01576 女王工 2021-8-31
BS EN 10222-1:2017 Steel forgings for pressure purposes attachment agree 女王工 2021-8-31 01440 女王工 2021-8-31
BS EN ISO 683-1:2018 Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels 新人帖 attachment agree 女王工 2021-8-29 01671 女王工 2021-8-29
BS EN 1473-2016 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas — Design of onshore installations 新人帖 attachment sy8019 2021-8-27 02022 sy8019 2021-8-27
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