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英国标准学会(BS) 今日: 0|主题: 8201|排名: 51 

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BS EN 10216-2:2013 无缝钢管 技术交货条件 第2部分指定提高温度特性非合金和合金钢管 新人帖 attachment lincle107 2017-12-13 94557 yuwen 2017-12-14
BS EN 61010-2-101:2017 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement,control and laboratory use attachment coaco1986 2017-11-24 22835 kh64tw1 2018-1-1
BS EN ISO 14155-2011 attachment yichuangjian 2017-11-9 01880 yichuangjian 2017-11-9
EN ISO 80369-7-2017 attachment yichuangjian 2017-11-9 01952 yichuangjian 2017-11-9
BS EN 14434-2010 writing boards for educational institutions 新人帖 attachment 208299812 2017-9-13 22494 208299812 2017-9-14
BS EN 1918-5:2016 Gas infrastructure — Underground gas storage — Part 5: Functional recommendations for surface f... attachment agree yyywwwhk 2017-8-31 01757 yyywwwhk 2017-8-31
BS EN 1918-4:2016 Gas infrastructure — Underground gas storage — Part 4: Functional recommendations for storage i... attachment agree yyywwwhk 2017-8-31 01901 yyywwwhk 2017-8-31
BS EN 1918-3:2016 Gas infrastructure — Underground gas storage — Part 3: Functional recommendations for storage i... attachment agree yyywwwhk 2017-8-31 12667 devoter2000 2017-8-31
BS EN 1918-2:2016 Gas infrastructure — Underground gas storage — Part 2: Functional recommendations for storage i... attachment agree yyywwwhk 2017-8-31 02167 yyywwwhk 2017-8-31
BS EN 1918-1:2016 Gas infrastructure — Underground gas storage Part 1: Functional recommendations for storage in aq... 新人帖 attachment agree yyywwwhk 2017-8-30 02121 yyywwwhk 2017-8-30
ISO 5361-2016 attachment agree daidaidai 2017-8-9 43667 yuwen 2018-2-13
EN 13674-1-2007 铁路设施.轨道.铁轨.第1部分:46 kg/m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形铁轨 新人帖 attachment agree aqcl45 2017-7-29 23140 zxz2004 2017-7-30
BS EN ISO 7864:2016 一次性使用无菌皮下注射针 要求和试验方法 新人帖 attachment agree castervssaber 2017-7-24 44111 安了个尼 2018-4-17
BS EN 12845:2004 Sprinkler System Instsllation and Design 新人帖 attachment shing5415 2017-7-22 12101 shing5415 2017-7-22
BS EN ISO 9080-2012 塑料管和管道系统 用外推法测定长期耐静液压强度 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-6-20 12132 PLAYBOY1898 2017-6-20
BS EN ISO 7438-2016 金属材料 弯曲试验 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-6-20 01787 qiaanhl 2017-6-20
EN 50128:2011 Railway applications — Communication, signalling and processing systems — Software for railway 新人帖 attachment agree liuchaonuaa 2017-6-15 42478 y753 2017-6-20
英标Stainless Steels 不锈钢标准 BS EN 10088 新人帖 attachment agree redlion 2017-6-8 12474 forrestwg 2020-9-21
BS6262-2005全部1-7part 新人帖 attachment agree aaa175675246 2017-6-5 13728 devoter2000 2017-6-6
BS ISO 16750-3-2012 新人帖 attachment agree jinxin 2017-4-19 12779 sophie1106 2017-4-19
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