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美国保险商实验室(UL) 今日: 0|主题: 874|排名: 57 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
隐藏置顶帖 网站禁止发布任何侵权或有版权争议的内容 admin 2021-5-12 09637 admin 2021-5-12
隐藏置顶帖 网站管理规定 admin 2017-3-22 069874 admin 2018-11-4
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 错误标准文件反馈专贴 attach_img  ...23456..114 admin 2017-3-3 1135177284 swtgr 2025-1-18
隐藏置顶帖 标准网新手指引 digest admin 2016-12-26 0152738 admin 2016-12-26
UL758-2020最新版翻译 新人帖 attachment 海阔星空 2022-2-22 01591 海阔星空 2024-4-23
ANSI/CAN/UL-3030:2018 Unmanned Aircraft Systems(无人机系统)- 完整英文版(59页) 新人帖 attach_img Johnho 2021-8-28 01963 Johnho 2021-8-28
UL94:2021 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances attachment zzs 2021-8-13 01598 zzs 2021-8-13
UL 746A-2021 新人帖 attachment loyalsu 2021-8-6 01320 loyalsu 2021-8-6
UL224 2021-05 attachment wssbwj 2021-7-23 01661 wssbwj 2021-7-23
UL 2231-2-2020 电动车辆供电线路的人员保护系统.充电系统用保护装置的特殊要求 attachment chemyang2019 2021-3-31 02470 chemyang2019 2024-10-22
UL 94-2020 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances attachment zzs 2021-2-20 02249 zzs 2021-2-20
UL 8139:2020 安全标准 - 最新的电子烟安规标准(中文) attachment HEHUN 2021-2-5 02375 HEHUN 2021-2-5
UL 92-2020 Fire Extinguisher, Booster, and Noncollapsible Standpipe Hose and Hose Assemblies 新人帖 attachment chemyang2019 2020-10-15 02307 chemyang2019 2020-10-15
UL 58 2018 Standard for steel underground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids 新人帖 attachment chemyang2019 2020-10-15 02406 chemyang2019 2020-10-15
UL 1598:2018 Luminaires attachment skywolf03 2020-10-5 02170 skywolf03 2020-10-5
UL 94-2016 Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances attachment skywolf03 2020-9-2 02299 skywolf03 2020-9-2
UL 1821-2019 Standard for Thermoplastic Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings for Fire Protection Service attachment coco 2019-12-21 01887 coco 2019-12-21
UL 1974-2018 Standard for Evaluation for Repurposing Batteries attachment coco 2019-11-25 02333 coco 2019-11-25
UL 217-2016 Standard for Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms attachment binyew 2018-11-20 02204 binyew 2018-11-20
UL1581-2017 最新英文版 Reference Standard for Electrical Wires Cables and Flexible Cords attachment boshen123456 2018-9-25 03022 boshen123456 2018-9-25
UL 555-2006 Fire Dampers 防火阀中文版 attachment shangshan0605 2018-6-8 02431 shangshan0605 2018-6-8
UL 555 防火阀标准 新人帖 attachment shangshan0605 2018-5-31 02371 shangshan0605 2018-5-31
UL943B-2017 Appliance Leakage-Current Interrupters attachment 孙蜻蜓之点水 2018-3-26 02197 孙蜻蜓之点水 2018-3-26
UL943-2018 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters attachment 孙蜻蜓之点水 2018-3-26 02262 孙蜻蜓之点水 2018-3-26
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