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国际标准化组织(ISO) 今日: 0|主题: 1065|排名: 57 

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ISO 15614-1 2012版 新人帖 attachment l1988c08g20 2017-10-31 01992 l1988c08g20 2017-10-31
DIN ISO 3046-7往复活塞式内燃机-要求-第7部分:发动机功率缩写符号-等同于ISO-3046-7:1987 attachment wuliLisa 2017-10-23 01737 wuliLisa 2017-10-23
ISO 11737-1:2006 医疗器械的灭菌 微生物方法 第一部分:产品上微生物总数的估计 attachment lala哎呀 2017-10-18 01624 lala哎呀 2017-10-18
ISO 21809-3:2016 Petroleum and natural gas industries-External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pip... 新人帖 attachment yunhai 2017-10-13 01692 yunhai 2017-10-13
ISO 898-1-2013 碳钢和合金钢铸造的紧固件机械性能 第1部分:螺栓、螺钉、双头螺柱 新人帖 attachment yh_csu 2017-10-3 02099 yh_csu 2017-10-3
ISO 18265-2013 金属硬度换算表 attachment ZHYHENRY152 2017-9-29 43653 admin 2020-4-10
ISO 17070:2015 皮革-化学测试-测定含氯苯酚的含量 新人帖 attachment wit 2017-9-27 43816 hung 2017-10-17
ISO 11137-3-2017 attachment agree yichuangjian 2017-9-5 02045 yichuangjian 2017-9-5
ISO 12232-2006 摄影-电子照相机-暴光指数的测定 新人帖 attachment darrenxu 2017-9-1 34045 jay_chou 2017-9-4
ISO 14001-2015 Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use attachment agree yr412520 2017-8-11 54874 douer2017007 2018-4-17
ISO 7153-1-2016 医用不锈钢 attachment agree coco 2017-8-9 22777 jay_chou 2017-8-18
ISO 5470-2 马氏摩擦测试标准 新人帖 attachment aiyin173 2017-8-2 11341 jay_chou 2017-8-29
ISO 14644-1:2015 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments-Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness by par... 新人帖 attachment agree yichuangjian 2017-7-31 12206 hawkhad 2017-8-4
ISO 17631-2002 Ships and marine technology-shipboard plans for fire protection, life-saving application and means of ... 新人帖 attachment agree Happy 2017-7-18 01609 Happy 2017-7-18
ISO 3506-1 2009 SS Bolts, screws and studs 新人帖 attachment 两片叶子 2017-7-17 21876 两片叶子 2017-7-17
ISO 4386-2-2012 Plain bearings. Metallic multilayer plain bearings. Destructive testing of bond for bearing metal lay... attachment zjutheyang 2017-7-7 23176 小米13726258816 2017-7-7
ISO 4386-1-2012 Plain bearings — Metallic multilayer plain bearings —Part 1 Non-destructive ultrasonic testing of... attachment zjutheyang 2017-7-7 01563 zjutheyang 2017-7-7
ISO 4386-2-2012Plain bearings - Metallic multilayer plain bearings -Part 2 Destructive testing of bond for bearing m... 新人帖 attachment agree zjutheyang 2017-7-6 01361 zjutheyang 2017-7-6
ISO 690:2010 信息和文献--参考文献指南和信息资源引用指南(英文版) 新人帖 attachment agree samona 2017-6-27 65254 xtgoo800@163.co 2017-7-31
ISO 10893-11-2011 钢管的无损检测 第11部分:用于纵向和 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-6-26 11398 oxygen831 2017-6-26
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