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国际标准化组织(ISO) 今日: 0|主题: 1065|排名: 57 

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ISO 4378-1-2017 ISO 4378-12017 Plain bearings -- Terms, definitions, classification and symbols -- Part 1 Design, bea... 新人帖 attachment binyew 2018-8-23 02138 binyew 2018-8-23
ISO 1011-2017 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances of form, orientatio... 新人帖 attachment binyew 2018-8-23 12057 3289664634 2018-9-3
BS ISO 31000:2018 Risk management — Guidelines 风险管理-指南 attachment kojak585 2018-8-20 34394 kojak585 2021-9-23
SA8000:2014 社会责任国际标准(中文) attachment boshen123456 2018-8-16 02045 boshen123456 2018-8-16
ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems 管理体系审核指南 attachment kojak585 2018-8-12 13118 一条鱼991220 2020-2-5
ISO 4347-2015 板式链、连接环和槽轮 新人帖 attachment qdjljc 2018-8-10 01809 qdjljc 2018-8-10
ISO 20653 2006中文版 新人帖 attachment Xsneak 2018-7-30 02252 Xsneak 2018-7-30
ISO 7637-2 新人帖 attachment Xsneak 2018-7-30 02143 Xsneak 2018-7-30
ISO/IEC 17000 (2004) 新人帖 attachment clc3982988 2018-7-27 02260 clc3982988 2018-7-27
ISO/TS 22163轨道交通业质量管理体系标准 新人帖 attachment 市井行走 2018-7-26 02206 市井行走 2018-7-26
ISO/IEC 61851-1:2010 Electric vehicle conductive charging system – Part 1: General requirements 新人帖 attachment bhiso 2018-7-14 02039 bhiso 2018-7-14
ISO/TS 19883 Safety of pressure swing adsorption systems for hydrogen separation and purification(变压吸附提纯... 新人帖 attachment 六夕七夜 2018-7-13 01879 六夕七夜 2018-7-13
ISO 11138-2-2017 新人帖 attachment 水无灯里 2018-7-12 12103 longqishiyz 2018-7-24
BS EN ISO 11138-1-2017 新人帖 attachment 水无灯里 2018-7-12 01666 水无灯里 2018-7-12
ISO 14607-2018无源外科植入物 乳房植入物 特殊要求 新人帖 attachment 水无灯里 2018-7-12 01866 水无灯里 2018-7-12
ISO 668-95 Serise 1 freight containers-Classification,dimensions and ratings-AMENDMENT 2:45' containers 新人帖 attachment YLW 2018-7-5 01801 YLW 2018-7-5
ISO 75-3 2004 Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 3:High-strength thermoset... 新人帖 attachment killer007 2018-6-27 01754 killer007 2018-6-27
ISO 75-2-2013 Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 2:Plastics and ebonite 新人帖 attachment killer007 2018-6-27 01875 killer007 2018-6-27
ISO 75-1-2013 Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 1:General test method 新人帖 attachment killer007 2018-6-27 01947 killer007 2018-6-27
ISO 10471-2018 Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes — Determination of the long-term ultimate bendin... 新人帖 attachment killer007 2018-6-27 01700 killer007 2018-6-27
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