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国际标准化组织(ISO) 今日: 0|主题: 1065|排名: 52 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
ISO 22000:2018(E)-Food safety management systems-Requirements for any organization in the food chain attachment fasong 2021-12-16 01082 fasong 2023-9-26
ISO 1703:2018 Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Nomenclature attachment fasong 2021-12-11 0991 fasong 2021-12-11
ISO 5210-2017 Industrial valves — Multi-turn valve actuator attachments attachment 2550712634 2021-12-7 01018 2550712634 2021-12-7
ISO 10987-2-2017(E) 土方机械 可持续性 第2部分:再制造 attachment chenzscc 2021-12-2 0980 chenzscc 2021-12-2
ISO 19148-2021 Geographic information attachment 他山石6799 2021-11-27 0991 他山石6799 2021-11-27
ISO 18219-2-2021 MCCP attachment coco 2021-11-19 01153 coco 2021-11-19
ISO 18219-1-2021 SCCP attachment coco 2021-11-19 01259 coco 2021-11-19
ISO/IEC 27701 隐私信息管理的扩展—要求与指南(中英文版) attachment andyvvv 2021-11-17 01378 andyvvv 2021-11-17
ISO PAS 21448-2019 预期功能安全 Road vehicles — Safety of the intended functionality attachment liuzx175 2021-11-16 01192 liuzx175 2021-11-16
ISO 12944中文版 新人帖 attachment 遥远_cPd1J 2021-11-11 01303 遥远_cPd1J 2021-11-11
ISO11926-3液压传动用联接件 带ISO725螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺纹端头 轻型(L 系列)螺栓端头 attachment chenzscc 2021-11-8 01446 chenzscc 2021-11-8
ISO11926-1液压传动用联接件 带ISO725螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺纹端头 第1部分锪孔沟槽中... attachment chenzscc 2021-11-8 01346 chenzscc 2021-11-8
ISO11926-2液压传动用联接件 带ISO725螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺纹端头 第2部分重型螺栓端头 attachment chenzscc 2021-11-8 01040 chenzscc 2021-11-8
ISO 20916-2019 In vitro diagnostic medical devices — Clinical performance studies using specimens from human subjec... 新人帖 attachment ergatoid 2021-10-28 01531 ergatoid 2021-10-28
ISO/IEC 27001 信息安全管理体系-要求(中英对照) 新人帖 attachment andyvvv 2021-10-25 01579 andyvvv 2021-10-25
ISO/SAE 21434:2021(E) Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering 新人帖 attachment andyvvv 2021-10-25 01544 andyvvv 2022-5-30
ISO19011-2018 中文版 管理体系审核指南 新人帖 attachment FT7321 2021-10-12 01760 FT7321 2022-4-19
ISO 22674-2016 牙科. 固定式和可摘式修复体和牙科器具金属材料 新人帖 attachment ljx1023 2021-10-5 01706 ljx1023 2021-10-5
ISO 5445-1980 硅铁 attachment 老崔1081 2021-9-23 01507 老崔1081 2021-9-23
ISO 5752-2021金属阀门结构长度(英文) attachment HEHUN 2021-9-4 01749 HEHUN 2021-9-4
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