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国际标准化组织(ISO) 今日: 0|主题: 1065|排名: 52 

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ISO 10243:2010(E) 冲模 矩形截面压缩弹簧 安装尺寸和颜色标识 attachment LXJ1991 2020-10-28 01662 LXJ1991 2020-10-28
ISO 14405-3:2016(E) 几何产品规范(GPS) 尺寸公差 第3部分:角度尺寸 attachment LXJ1991 2020-10-28 01812 LXJ1991 2020-10-28
ISO/TS 23031:2020 Graphic technology-Assessment and validation of the performance of spectrocolorimeters and spectrod... attachment HEHUN 2020-10-24 01849 HEHUN 2020-10-24
ISO 10113-2020 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of plastic strain ratio attachment skywolf03 2020-10-19 01906 skywolf03 2020-10-19
ISO 22232-1-2020 Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment - Part 1:... attachment skywolf03 2020-10-19 01952 skywolf03 2020-10-24
ISO 11341-2004 色漆和清漆 模拟气候及辐射暴晒(氙弧灯) attachment hao12534 2020-10-17 01763 hao12534 2020-10-17
ISO TS 10993-19:2020 Biological evaluation of medical devices 一 Part 19:Physico-chemical, morphological and attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02141 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO IEC 23736-3:2020 Information technology — Digital publishing — EPUB 3.0.1 — Part 3:Content documents attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01855 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO IEC 23736-2:2020 Information technology — Digital publishing — EPUB 3.0.1 — Part 2:Publications attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02077 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO IEC 20933:2019 Information technology — Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) — Framework f... attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02057 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 30401:2018 Knowledge Management System - Req. attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01940 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 25197:2020 Small craft - Electrical&elctronic control systems for steering, shift and throttle(扫描版) attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01844 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 22395:2018 Security and resilience — Community resilience — Guidelines for supporting vulnerable persons in... attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02076 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 22313:2020 Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidance on the use of ISO 22301 attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01601 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 19900:2019 Petroleum and natural gas industries – General requirements for offshore structures(清晰,可... attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01963 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 14063:2020 Environmental management — Environmental communication — Guidelines and examples attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 01858 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 13588:2019 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Use of automated phased array technology attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02130 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 11898-5:2007 Road vehicles - Controller area network(CAN)-Part 5:High-speed medium access unit with low-power... attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02204 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 11898-4:2004 Road vehicles - Controller area network(CAN)-Part 4:Time-triggered communication attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02017 skywolf03 2020-10-2
ISO 3269:2019 Fasteners - Acceptance inspection(扫描版) attachment skywolf03 2020-10-2 02107 skywolf03 2020-10-2
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