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其它国外标准 今日: 0|主题: 619|排名: 60 

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API Spec 5DP-2009 钻杆规范 新人帖 attachment 丶丿小飞 2018-1-4 12737 丶丿云飞 2018-1-5
AATCC 8-2007 耐摩擦色牢度 新人帖 attachment PIAOGIRL 2017-10-18 02052 PIAOGIRL 2017-10-18
YY/T 1431-2016 外科植入物医用级超高分子量聚乙烯纱线 attachment agree lala哎呀 2017-10-9 12404 zhw403 2017-10-18
SN200-2003中文版 新人帖 attachment gespring 2017-9-12 23236 zt8322365 2017-12-18
SEP 1520 microskopic examination of cabide structure in steels by means of diagram series attachment zoverui 2017-9-8 23256 oxygen831 2017-9-8
sae ams 4900m-2006 attachment baojian 2017-8-11 02151 baojian 2017-8-11
SAE AMS 1379A-1996 新人帖 attachment baojian 2017-8-11 54312 woaifuhai2 2017-8-23
美国NIST工控标准 新人帖 attachment hahaha1 2017-7-24 23126 jay_chou 2017-8-3
VW 80000-2013-EN 新人帖 attachment lethezhang 2017-7-20 23463 admin 2019-3-13
VDG_P340-2009 楔压强度试验标准 新人帖 attachment wenzi8411 2017-7-6 33094 hecd 2017-7-6
IATF 16949-2016中文标准版本 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 小米13726258816 2017-6-30 137082 wuanhan2 2020-5-11
API RP 5L3-2014 管线管落锤撕裂试验方法(第四版) attachment qiaanhl 2017-6-22 43056 hby169 2017-7-20
API 676-2009 新人帖 attachment monfee 2017-6-20 01990 monfee 2017-6-20
AOAC 984.13 新人帖 attachment asrings 2017-6-19 12936 asrings 2017-6-21
美国灯具设计联盟DLC V3.0标准 新人帖 attachment qzj000 2017-6-16 11800 hby169 2017-6-17
AS9100 C管理体系标准 新人帖 attachment wx_O8GAwzmz 2017-6-15 23116 forrestwg 2017-7-18
API Specification for Offshore Pedestal Mounted Cranes attachment aqwe 2017-6-9 22207 forrestwg 2017-6-13
API SPEC 5L-2012 管线钢管规范 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-5-28 02218 qiaanhl 2017-5-28
CSA Z245.21-14 钢管外部聚乙烯涂层 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-5-28 02092 qiaanhl 2017-5-28
CSA Z245.20 Series-14 钢管外部涂层 attachment agree qiaanhl 2017-5-28 01901 qiaanhl 2017-5-28
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