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日本工业标准调查会(JIS) 今日: 0|主题: 10567|排名: 54 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
JIS B7729-2005 Erichsen cupping testers attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01299 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7728-2002 单轴试验机认证用测力仪器的校准 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01160 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7727-2000 肖氏硬度试验 试验机的验定 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01327 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7726-1997 Rockwell hardness test-Verification of testing machines attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01099 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7725-1997 Vickers hardness test-Verification of testing machines attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01706 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7609-2008 砝码 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01491 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7556-2008 气体流量计校准和测试用程序 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01136 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7556-2003 Proving methods and procedures for gas flowmeters attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01084 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7555-2003 用科里奥利仪测量流量的方法(质量流、密度和体积流的测量) attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01434 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7554-1997 Electromagnetic flowmeters attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01438 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7553-1993 巴歇尔(Parshall)水槽式流量计 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01107 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7552-1993 液体流量计.检验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01249 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7551-1999 可变截面流量计 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01284 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7550-1993 Heat meters attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01034 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7547-2008 数字压力计的表征和校准程序 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01257 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7545-1982 检验棒 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01045 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7609-2000 Weights attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01153 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7544-1994 深度千分尺 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01141 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7607-1994 自动重量检查仪和重量分级仪 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01143 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B7606-1997 皮带称 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01070 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
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