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日本工业标准调查会(JIS) 今日: 0|主题: 10567|排名: 50 

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JIS B0143-1985 螺纹紧固件用尺寸符号和标识 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0627 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0142-1994 Glossary of terms for oil hydraulics and pneumatics attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0638 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0170-1993 切削刀具 词汇 通用术语 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0685 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0141-1993 输送机的相关术语汇编 输送机零件、附件和其它 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01241 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0163-2-2007 Plain bearings --Symbols --Part 2 Applications attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0790 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0163-1-2007 Plain bearings --Symbols --Part 1 Basic symbols attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0652 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0162-4-2006 Plain bearing-Terms,definitions and classification-Part 4: attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0537 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0162-3-2006 Plain bearing-Terms,definitions and classification-Part3:L attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0944 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0162-2-2006 Plain bearing-Terms,definitions and classification-Part 2: attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0648 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0162-1-2006 Plain bearings-Terms,definitions and classification-Part 1 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0684 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B0160-1999 齿轮 齿轮齿的磨损和损害 术语 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0793 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS B6210-3-2010 带有水平主轴的镗床和铣床的精确度试验用试验条件.第3部分:带有可移动床身和可移动工作台的机床 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0642 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS Z8520-1999 人类工效学.用视觉显示终端的办公室工作(VDTS).对话规则 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0575 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K6774-2005 气体燃料供应用聚乙烯管 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0910 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K2541-1-2003 原油和石油产品.硫含量测定.第1部分:粗芯燃烧法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0658 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K2541-2-2003 原油和石油产品.硫含量测定.第2部分:氧化微库仑测定法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0689 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K2541-3-2003 原油和石油产品.硫含量测定.第3部分:石英管燃烧法(空气法) attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0737 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K2541-4-2003 原油和石油产品.硫含量测定.第4部分:能量分散X射线荧光法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0712 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS K0102-2010 工业废水的测试方法(修改件1) attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0524 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS D0401-2000 汽车附件 幼儿限动保护装置 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0700 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
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