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日本工业标准调查会(JIS) 今日: 0|主题: 10567|排名: 51 

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JIS P8141-2004 纸和纸板 吸水性(毛细管上升值)的测定 克列姆(KLEMM)法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0760 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8117-2009 纸和纸板 透气度和空气阻力(中等范围)的测定 古尔勒法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01565 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8143-1996 Paper -- Determination of stiffness by Clark stiffness teste attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0841 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8118-1998 纸张和纸板 厚度和密度的测定 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0640 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8119-1998 纸张和纸板 用贝克法测定平滑度 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0697 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8120-1998 纸张、纸板和纸浆 纤维配料分析 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0715 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8121-1995 纸浆.排水能力测定 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0869 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8122-2004 纸和纸板 耐水度(施胶度)的测定 Stockigt法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0797 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8124-1998 Paper and board -- Determination of grammage attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0682 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8125-2000 纸张和纸板 刚度测定 Taber刚度试验机测试法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01029 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8143-2009 纸张 硬挺度的测定 克拉克硬挺度测定仪方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0756 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8202-1998 纸浆 批量纸浆中纯干躁性的测定 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0733 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8203-1998 Pulps -- Determination of dry matter content attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0701 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8207-1976 Method of screening test of paper pulp attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0752 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8207-2009 纸浆 筛选用试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0866 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8208-1998 纸浆 杂质估算 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01376 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8211-1998 Pulps -- Determination of Kappa number attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0789 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8212-1998 纸浆 修改漫蓝反射率的测量(ISO辉度) attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01054 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8215-1998 稀释溶液中的纤维素 特性粘数的测定 铜乙烯双胺(CED)溶液法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 01102 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS P8220-1998 纸浆.实验室湿分解 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0599 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
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