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日本工业标准调查会(JIS) 今日: 0|主题: 10567|排名: 55 

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JIS R1646-2002 细陶瓷的空蚀试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0680 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1647-2002 细陶瓷的水中浸渍洗脱试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0649 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1648-2002 细陶瓷的耐热冲击试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0754 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1649-2002 细陶瓷用氧化铝粉末的化学分析方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0845 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1650-1-2002 Testing method for fine ceramics thermoelectric materials attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0594 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1650-2-2002 Testing method for fine ceramics thermoelectric materials attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0725 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1650-3-2002 Method for measurement of fine ceramics thermoelectric mat attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0599 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1652-2003 用旋转粘度计测量陶瓷浆粘度的方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0777 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1639-4-1999 Test methods of properties of fine ceramic granules Part 4 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0576 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1653-2003 用湿筛法测定细陶磁粉中粗粒子的含量 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0555 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1639-5-2007 Test methods of properties of fine ceramic granules Part 5 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0602 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1639-6-2007 Test methods of properties of fine ceramic granules Part 6 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0587 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1640-2002 氮化硅的定量相位分析方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0736 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1641-2007 微波频率下精细陶瓷片介电性能的试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0636 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1642-1-2002 The test method for internal friction test of fine ceramic attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0612 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1642-2-2002 The testing method for internal friction of fine ceramics attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0495 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1643-2002 连续纤维增强的陶瓷复合材料层间抗剪强度的测试方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0546 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1654-2003 高温下用盘球法测定细陶瓷耐磨性的试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0566 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1661-2004 离子导电精细陶瓷的导电性测量方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0568 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
JIS R1662-2004 纤维增强陶瓷基质复合材料的断裂能试验方法 attachment lemon2000 2016-12-26 0706 biaozhuns 2016-12-26
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